- A characteristically vague attempt to explore the baffling Venn of work, study and life -

Thursday 25 March 2010

Time, gentlemen

This one has been bouncing around my head for a while now. Not sure why it chose this morning to fall out, but there you go.

Work-life balance, DINKs, flexi-time, paternity leave, contract work, visiting tutor...

Is full-time employment unworkable?

I'm no social historian, but I'm not so naïve as to believe that we had a perfect world where men went out to work and women stayed at home looking after the 2.4 children. That never happened. The only reason we think it happened was because society was run by the privileged few people for which that happened. Anyway...

More and more women are choosing to be in the workplace, resulting in wonderful things like maternity leave and flexible working hours. The concept of work-life balance has arisen out of this. I'm quite happy working part-time. If I worked full-time, I'm not sure I'd have enough time for all the other stuff I have to do, like ironing and baking oaty bun things and sawing bits of wood.

So, what will happen to the concept of full-time employment? I'm not so sure it's much cop any more.

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