Here's a link to the
inaugural post of this blog, explaining in brief what this is all about.
Less briefly, I do a lot of thinking, mostly about language, the most fascinating, fundamental and formidable forces at our command. I see language as the centre of everything; thought, interaction, society, politics and everything in between. Without language, society is impossible.
It's creativity, it's philosophy, it's poetry and power. It's free.
Writing is the best way I've found to organise my thoughts. Being shaped into phrases, sentences and paragraphs allows my reflections to crystallise, and any document I then make becomes a reference. This particular document will keep all my ideas together, and hopefully allow other people to and join in. Input is very welcome, almost necessary.

This blog will hopefully include most of the things that bounce around inside my head. I work in education, which is something that requires and reshapes language around itself. I teach language in several different forms, including ESOL, A Level and teacher training. As if that's not
uroboric enough, I'm also studying education at the Open University. I find it hard to draw a line between my career and myself, my work and my home life. Films, music, books and Radio 4 are all different aspects of the interaction between language and people, which is what I teach in various shapes. I dance, iron, use computers, play backgammon, travel, drink tea and buy records for the enduring 'thingness'. I'm a staunch cat person. I use writing to help me think and remember.
left brain \ write brain is my thinking and remembering, and you're welcome to it.